P1M1011 The value of clarity
Planning your long term futureYour long term future looks like what, in your mind’s eye?Daniel Brammall, PIFA, March 2019 Planning your future means making the decision not to let Lady…
Planning your long term futureYour long term future looks like what, in your mind’s eye?Daniel Brammall, PIFA, March 2019 Planning your future means making the decision not to let Lady…
Keynote by Daniel Brammall at the 2017 IFAA National Symposium about how the IFAAA (now PIFA) actually began. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=405RpPLGRRQ
The Great Debate – debate at Sydney Casino in 2017 about whether the laws on independence should be changed.Keynote by Daniel Brammall, PIFA:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuam7Bd02hkFull debate:https://youtu.be/lAu2gzZkJt0